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the Orbweavers

We are The Orbweavers, Marita Dyson and Stuart Flanagan, multidisciplinary artists working in music, performance and visual art. Our work often focuses on where we live as guests, in Narrm, on unceded, sovereign Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung Country. We seek to more deeply understand the histories and ongoing impacts of colonisation and industrialisation on local waterways and ecosystems. Our research and learning is an ongoing journey. 


We are thrilled to be visiting Barkindji and Wilyakali Country, Broken Hill, in residence with West Darling Arts for the 2023 inaugural Gawler Laneway Arts & Music festival. We look forward to learning more about the many histories from this special place. 

The Orbweavers' partner collection is Sulphide Street Railway & Historical Museum. 

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