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Jonathan McBurnie

Jonathan McBurnie’s work is a reaction to the inescapable techno-capitalist status quo, holding up the tactile experiences of the studio as subversive and transgressive. McBurnie assumes the impossible tragedian role of a flesh and blood machine, hammering away in the studio, trying (and failing) to compete with the expanding digital sprawl. Chance plays a key part in the rapid image making process, as does a kind of disrupted, deliberately obscured autobiography. McBurnie approaches autobiography as something akin to the kayfabe of professional wrestling; that is, the continued adherence to invented on-screen or on-stage narratives, a dramaturgy separating of the public and private self. This tension is explored through studio practice through collage, graphic collision and materiality, the sublime and the ridiculous working hand in hand.


Jonathan's partner collection is Mad Max 2 Museum, Silverton.

J. McBurnie, The Deadly Iron Claw

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